The Power of Y.O.U. and Turning Around Quiet Quitting: Part 2

(This is the second part of a 2 part series on this topic)

Power Quote of the Month

“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place” George Bernard Shaw

Quiet quitting is a form of employee disengagement following the great resignation. In part one of this series, I provided insight as to why this trend is occurring.

I think this trend will reveal a silver lining for addressing and transforming broken and outdated work cultures. It’s time for a change. I believe employers and employees can leverage this disruption by collaborating in the design of more healthy and productive workplaces for the future.

There is no quick fix to address this complex work ecosystem, yet a thoughtful inquiry will pave the way for honest and clear communications. Below are questions for both employers and employees for creating new solutions:

For Employers

  1. Business Unit leaders and Human Resources executives will benefit from digging deeper to assess the values and norms of their corporate culture. Then ask, “is our culture of attitudes and behaviors optimal and sustainable for competing in the marketplace for the highest quality customers and employee talent?
  2. What messages are we sending our employees regarding the company mission and purpose with a brand they believe in?
  3. Start questioning “what is our motivation for revising and implementing specific employee policies to support well-being, growth, and development?” Are we exhibiting leadership through fear, control, and intimidation? Or do we create a safe culture based on open communication and employee honesty?
  4. Are we empowering our employees with creative resources and tools for creating win/win solutions in a post-pandemic world? Benchmark best-in-class ideas for trial and implementation.
  5. Set up employee town hall meetings with senior management facilitating on-site and remote “check-ins with employees”. Make it personal. Create human connection. Identify what employees need to feel re-engaged and excited about their work and the support systems they’d value the most.
  6. Ask hard questions like “In what ways have we failed you?” and “What can we do specifically to rebuild engagement and trust”. Then act on it.

For Employee

  1. Revisit your values and superpowers to determine if the career, role, and industry you work in still fit you today. Ask yourself, “do I feel fully engaged and excited to go to work each day?” If not, make a list of the satisfiers and dissatisfiers in your current job and previous jobs. What patterns do you notice? If it’s the job content that’s making you languish, it may be time to explore making a career pivot. If it’s a history of bad bosses, consider making a wish list of the qualities you’re seeking in a manager and conduct your due diligence while job searching on the new hiring manager’s leadership style.
  2. Ask yourself what you can do to reframe the limiting beliefs that are holding me back and create new productive ways of thinking? Be honest. What new possibilities can you imagine?
  3. Initiate establishing a healthy relationship with a mentor who is internal or external to the organization. A mentor can guide you on your career moves and on how to manage superiors and peers more effectively to get your needs met.
  4. If you believe you’re not being paid what you’re worth, hire a career coach to help you determine your competitive market value. Armed with this data, they’ll help you advocate for a promotion and raise or increase your salary by switching companies and/or moving to a higher-paying industry.
  5. While you quietly quit, use the extra time productively for deciding what it is you do want. If you want to change careers or work less, what trade-offs are you willing to make? Do you have a financial plan in place to support you during a change?
  6. Will engaging in quiet quitting bring me the satisfaction and fulfillment I desire or is it a sign of feeling disempowered and defeated? What steps are in my control that I can take now and tomorrow to put me on a path to re-engagement? Is there a class I’d like to sign up for where I can immerse myself in a personal passion and hobby outside of work? Is there a course or certificate program I can research to enhance my current skill set and satisfy my hunger to learn something new?

I’d like to hear your thoughts on quiet quitting and suggestions you have for increasing your engagement at work during tough times. As always, feel free to email me at

30 Day Power Challenge

Begin answering the questions above or generate your own questions and answer those instead.

Commit to taking one small action a day to facilitate re-engagement. Positive actions are contagious!

Power Resources for the Month

Podcast of the Month: Unlocking us with Brene Brown

Book: Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High” by Joseph Grenny and Kerry Patterson

I want to hear from you. Send me an email and please let me know how you did with this month’s challenge and the power resources and tools. You can also connect with me via my email: to learn how my services can benefit you and set up a complimentary discovery call with me.

Are you ready to take action and be accountable for your desired results?

Do you want challenge yourself to grow professionally and personally? If your answer is YES to both for creating sustainable change, then contact Nancy to learn more about the steps for getting there.

Nancy Friedberg

Nancy Friedberg, M.A.

Master Coach and President, Career Leverage, Inc.
Marshall Goldsmith Certified Stakeholder Centered Coach
Certified Now What? Facilitator

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